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Poll: What do voters think about crime in the US?

(NewsNation) — A NewsNation and Decision Desk HQ poll of registered voters found crime was the second largest issue Americans are worried about, behind only inflation, and more than half of the respondents said they were at least somewhat worried about being the victim of a violent crime.

The survey of 1,000 nationwide registered voters conducted July 17 and 18 provided insights into the public’s perception of crime in the United States via an online panel. Margins of error vary per question because the number of people who answered each question is different (learn more about why margins of error matter here).

NewsNation’s Chris Cuomo will hold a “Crime in America” townhall in New York with live audiences in Dallas-Forth Worth and Chicago on at 8 p.m. ET on Monday, July 31. You can watch the townhall on the big screen, or on our website. Not sure how to find us? Use our ChannelFinder app to locate our channel on your TV. 

See the full results of the poll below:

Question 1: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president? (Margin of Error 3.026%)

Question 2: Which of the following do you think is a bigger threat to the United States today? (Margin of Error 3.1%)

Question 3: And how concerned are you about inflation? (Margin of Error 3.041%)

Question 4: Which do you think is a bigger problem facing the United States today: Inflation, unemployment, crime, or immigration? (Margin of Error 3.094%)

Question 5: Among the following, who would you say you trust the most to solve structural issues of crime in the US? (Margin of Error 2.337%)

Question 6: Which of the following would you say is the overall root cause of crime in your community? (Margin of Error 2.826%)

Question 7: Among the following, which type of crime would you say you are most concerned about happening to you in your community? (Margin of Error 2.565%)

Question 8: Thinking about the U.S. as a whole, how would you describe the criminal justice system’s handling of crime? (Margin of Error 3.067%)

Question: 9 How confident are you in the ability of law enforcement to manage crime effectively and responsibly? (Margin of Error 3.056%)

Question 10: Do you feel that the laws covering the sale and possession of firearms should be made more strict, less strict, or kept as they are now? (Margin of Error 3.072%)

Question 11: Do you or a member of your household keep a gun or guns in your home? (Margin of Error 3.014%)

Question 12: And thinking about people who keep a gun or guns in their home, would you say that it makes their home more or less safe? (Margin of Error 3.092%)

Question 13: Should retail employees be expected to intervene to stop shoplifters? (Margin of Error 3.089%)

Question 14: Should employers be allowed to punish employees that intervene against shoplifters? (Margin of Error 2.783%)

Question 15: Thinking about the community where you live, would you say there is more or less crime compared to a year ago? (Margin of Error 3.084%)

Question 16: Over the last year, which of the following extra safety measures have you taken to protect yourself from crime? Select all that apply. (Margin of Error 3.056%)

Question 17: How worried are you that you or someone in your family will be a victim of a violent crime? (Margin of Error 3.048%)

Question 18: Have you, or someone you know, been the victim of a crime in the past 12 months? (Margin of Error 3.015%)

Question 19: Do you have a favorable or an unfavorable opinion of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? (Margin of Error 2.81%)

Question 20: Overall, would you say that the country is on the right track or on the wrong track? (Margin of Error 2.97%)

Question 21: Overall, would you say you are better or worse off financially than you were about a year ago? (Margin of Error 3.055%)

Question 22: Thinking about other topics, if the election for the U.S. Congress in your district was held today, which of the following candidates would you most likely vote for? (Margin for Error 3.089%)

Question 23: What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? If you’re currently enrolled in school, please indicate the highest degree you have received. (Margin of Error 2.925%)

Question 24: Which of the following would you say most accurately describes your political ideology? (Margin of Error 2.922%)

Question 25: Which political party do you most closely identify with? (Margin of Error 3.007%)