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Full report: Americans’ views on abortion, guns and inflation

(NewsNation) — NewsNation released a new poll Monday with Decision Desk HQ asking registered voters their views on abortion, guns, the current baby formula shortage, inflation and the U.S. Supreme Court.

NewsNation/Decision Desk HQ polled 1,009 registered voters Wednesday and Thursday, using an online voter panel. Margins of error vary per question because the number of people who answered each question is different (learn more about why margins of error matter here).

See the full results of the poll below:

Question 1: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president? (Margin of error: 3.0%)

Question 2: Thinking about issues facing the country today, how concerned are you about the COVID-19 pandemic? (Margin of error: 3.0%)

Question 3: Which of the following do you think is a bigger threat to the United States today? (Margin of error: 3.1%)

Question 4: And how concerned are you about inflation? (Margin of error: 2.7%)

Question 5: Which do you think is a bigger problem facing the United States today: Inflation, unemployment, crime, or COVID-19 ? (Margin of error: 3.0%)

Question 6: How concerned are you about the baby formula shortage in the U.S.? (Margin of error: 2.9%)

Question 7: Of the following, which do you think is most responsible for the baby formula shortage in the U.S.? (Margin of error: 2.9%)

Question 8: Thinking about the 2022 congressional candidates, would a Donald Trump endorsement for a candidate make you more or less likely to vote for that candidate? (Margin of error: 3.0%)

Question 9: How much trust do you have in the U.S. Congress? (Margin of error: 3.1%)

Question 10: How much trust do you have in the Supreme Court of the United States and other federal courts? (Margin of error: 2.9%)

Question 11: Overall, do you think abortion should be: (Margin of error: 2.9%)

Question 12: As you may know, the 1973 Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade established a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion. What best describes your opinion on this court case? (Margin of error: 3.1%)

Question 13: How likely do you think it is that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe V. Wade? (Margin of error: 3.1%)

Question 14: How much have you heard about a recent leak about a draft decision from the Supreme Court indicating a majority of the Justices favor striking down the Roe v. Wade decision? (Margin of error: 3.1%)

Question 15: Should owning automatic weapons be legal nationally, left to the states or banned nationally? (Margin of error: 3.0%)

Question 16: Thinking about other topics, if the election for the U.S. Congress in your district was held today, which of the following candidates would you most likely vote for? (Margin of error: 3.1%)

Question 17: Overall, would you say you are better or worse off financially than you were about a year ago? (Margin of error: 3.1%)

Question 18: Have you had to cut back on any purchases this month? (Margin of error: 2.9%)

Question 18a: And what type of purchases did you have to cut back on? Select all that apply. (Margin of error: 3.7%)

Question 19: This year, have you made any changes to your summer vacation plans? (Margin of error: 3.1%)

Question 19a: And what type of change did you make? (Margin of error: 4.5%)

Question 20: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: I am currently living paycheck to paycheck? (Margin of error: 3.0%)

Question 21: How difficult is it for you to make ends meet? (Margin of error: 2.9%)

Question 22: Within the last three months, have you or someone you know experienced an unexpected financial setback? (Margin of error: 3.1%)

Question 23: What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? If you’re currently enrolled in school, please indicate the highest degree you have received. (Margin of error: 2.8%)

Question 24: Which political party do you most closely identify with? (Margin of error: 3.0%)