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How will Johnson’s resignation impact the US?

(NewsNation) — Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his resignation Thursday, with the ripple effects expected to be felt worldwide.

The resignation comes after more than 50 Cabinet members and party leaders stepped down in protest of his leadership with members of his own party urging him to call it quits after a series of missteps.

“I know that there will be many people who are relieved, and perhaps quite a few will also be disappointed. And I want you to know how sad I am to be giving up the best job in the world. But them’s the breaks,” Johnson said Thursday.

Niall Stanage joined “Morning in America” to discuss the impact Johnson’s resignation will have on the U.K.’s relationship with the U.S.

“Obviously, a change in prime minister like this introduces instability by its nature, at a time when inflation in the U.K. is in fact worse than it is in the U.S,” Stanage said.

Stanage explains that there is a process in place for circumstances like this, but the process can take at least six weeks. He believes that Britain and its allies will be looking at a period of “instability and uncertainty.”

NewsNation Political Editor Chris Stirewalt also weighed in on the change, saying while there is uncertainty the resignation may bring about a sense of calm.

“This should theoretically, anyway, bring an end to the chaos there. Johnson had been in scandal after scandal and he had gotten caught in lie after lie. It was really sort of a comedy of errors, that dates back to lying about whether or not they were having parties during the COVID-era where they shouldn’t have been having parties, when they were enforcing a different set of rules for the public, that they were following themselves. It was a mess,” Stirewalt said. “So the hope that Britain will have and that the Western alliance will have is that with Boris Johnson out, that things can get back to normal and get back to a more stable footing in the U.K.”

So, what kind of effect will this decision have on U.S.-U.K. relations and and even the global economy?

In terms of the global economy, Stanage said it’s not good that there is instability in the United Kingdom. Instability could hamper trade relations and cause economic stress on the U.S., possibly increasing inflation in the U.S. if a shortage of British goods occurs.

“As far as relations between the U.S. and the U.K. are concerned, two points worth stressing: There is still a Conservative government in the U.K. — and there will be for some time — and the relationship between Britain and the U.S. is particularly important to London right now,” Stanage said.

Stirewalt also commented on the relationship between the U.S. and U.K.

“Well, we care about this for a couple of reasons. One is, of course, we call this the special relationship. This is our most important ally in the world. So we care a lot when there is change in the government there. But also, there’s some echoes between British politics and American politics. Our countries are so similar. Our system drew from theirs,” Stirewalt explained.

Since the decision to remove itself from the European Union, the U.K. is eager to have a trade deal with the U.S. and maintain its special relationship with America.

Stanage thinks that ramifications aren’t going to be as dramatic as the scenes playing out because the Conservative Party is a more pro-U.S. party than the main opposition Labour Party in Britain.

Johnson will remain Prime Minister until a new one is chosen.