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This image released by Netflix shows a scene from “Skywalkers: A Love Story.” (Netflix via AP)
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Dave found joy in the daily routine of life. He awoke at the same time, ate the same breakfast and drove the same commute. He worked at a job that never seemed to change and he got home at 6 pm sharp every night. It was who he had been for the last ten years and he had no idea that was all about to change.
He sat staring at the person in the train stopped at the station going in the opposite direction. She sat staring ahead, never noticing that she was being watched. Both trains began to move and he knew that in another timeline or in another universe, they had been happy together.
She had been told time and time again that the most important steps were the first and the last. It was something that she carried within her in everything she did, but then he showed up and disrupted everything. He told her that she had it wrong. The first step wasn’t the most important. The last step wasn’t the most important. It was the next step that was the most important.
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It probably seemed trivial to most people, but it mattered to Tracey. She wasn’t sure why it mattered so much to her, but she understood deep within her being that it mattered to her. So for the 365th day in a row, Tracey sat down to eat pancakes for breakfast.

The opened package of potato chips held the answer to the mystery. Both detectives looked at it but failed to realize it was the key to solve the crime. They passed by it assuming it was random trash ensuring that the case would never be solved.
They told her that this was her once chance to show the world what she was made of. She believed them at the time. It was the big stage and she knew the world would be there to see. The only one who had disagreed with this sentiment was her brother. He had told her that you don’t show the world what you’re made of when they are all watching, you show that in your actions when nobody was looking. It was looking more and more like her brother was correct.
You know that tingly feeling you get on the back of your neck sometimes? I just got that feeling when talking with her. You know I don’t believe in sixth senses, but there is something not right with her. I don’t know how I know, but I just do.
Here’s the thing. She doesn’t have anything to prove, but she is going to anyway. That’s just her character. She knows she doesn’t have to, but she still will just to show you that she can. Doubt her more and she’ll prove she can again. We all already know this and you will too.
“Can I get you anything else?” David asked. It was a question he asked a hundred times a day and he always received the same answer. It had become such an ingrained part of his daily routine that he had to step back and actively think when he heard the little girl’s reply. Nobody had before answered the question the way that she did, and David didn’t know how he should respond.
Many people say that life isn’t like a bed of roses. I beg to differ. I think that life is quite like a bed of roses. Just like life, a bed of roses looks pretty on the outside, but when you’re in it, you find that it is nothing but thorns and pain. I myself have been pricked quite badly.